Athletic Performance In Southeast FL

Athletic performance programs have seen an increase in developing strength and conditioning as some of their main components. We incorporate these components into our training alongside our experience with biomechanics in order to provide athletes in Southeast FL with training plans that fit their individual needs.
What We Do To Help Southeast FL Athletes
- Injury Rehabilitation
- Endurance Improvement
- Exercise Training
- Training Prescription
- Mobility Improvement
- Nutrition Plans
- Common Injury Prevention
- Strength & Conditioning Training
Athletic Chiropractic Care
How can chiropractic care help? Licensed chiropractic physicians, like Dr. Carswell, can improve joint strength, and muscle soreness, and increase circulation. Moreover, chiropractic adjustments are also used by us to address specific concerns that impact athletes from any and all sports.
Some research has shown that heavy training, like what many competitive athletes do, can increase inflammation and oxidative stress. This can impact your game, but chiropractors can address these situations and give you tools to prevent or minimize these effects.
At Carswell CAPC we like to focus on recovery and repair in order to minimize stress on the muscles and thus prevent injuries. Chiropractors like us can also address issues that help you better adapt to your exercise plans.
Exercise & Training Prescription
Can you customize my training? Yes! At Carswell CAPC we take into account the sport that you play. We know high-performance athletes must have exercises and training that fit their sport, so we customize our training prescription to your needs.
We assess your needs as an athlete as well as the needs of your sport in order to more efficiently and effectively come up with training regimes. Our combined knowledge of biomechanics and chiropractic care allows us to create something that will not only help you excel, but will also prevent damage to the muscles.
Whether you are looking to increase your speed and power on the field, or you want to improve your endurance, we can provide you with a complete training protocol to aid you in your journey to reach peak performance.
Athlete-Focused Nutrition
How does my diet affect my performance? The way athletes eat is important because an athlete's body needs to recover. Recovery is an important part of an athlete's life, and the first step to recovery is understanding what you eat and why.
Every sport has different needs when it comes to diet. Depending on the type of recovery the muscles need, we create a nutrition plan that makes the most sense.
Someone that practices weight-lifting will need a different diet from someone who runs triathlons.
We customize your diet plan based on your nutrition needs and goals. We examine your body, your endurance, and your recovery time in order to best come up with the right nutrients for your body to stay at its ultimate performing ability.
Injury Rehabilitation
How can you help me rehabilitate? We help rehabilitate injuries from the beginning. Our approach is to prevent athletic injuries by combining our knowledge of nutrition, chiropractic care, biomechanical deficiencies, & muscular and structural imbalances. This helps us assess your body and muscles in order to understand why you're getting injured.
We look to have a comprehensive approach to injury prevention and rehabilitation in order to give you the tools necessary to avoid an injury on and off the field. We take into account the type of sport you play and how much power is exerted when playing in order to minimize injuries.
We don't want you to consistently come to us injured, we want you to stay on your field for as long as possible without injuries. That's why we approach injury prevention through education first. Because the only person that can help you avoid injury is yourself.
Want to excel in the field like never before? Schedule your first consultation today! Dr. Carswell will work with you to reach your golf peak performance.
Carswell Chiropractic & Athletic Performance Center
5924 Sheridan St
PMB 3000
Hollywood, FL 33021